Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mario L. Szychowski Author-Workplace-Name: Universidad Católica de La Plata - Universidad Nacional de La Plata Title: La demanda del Bien Abstract: Since the acceptance that Good, or Evil, is implied by every rational behavior and after proposing a certain "function of satisfaction" and a certain "budgeting restriction", through Lagrange's multipliers method it has been obtained a demand of Good as a function of the "expected reward" (for practising Good and avoid Evil) and of "love". The mentioned reward is of a spiritual nature, divine, and the love is of the kind specified by St. Paul in 1-Cor XIII,4-7. Classification-JEL: A10, D10 Journal: Económica Pages: 131-149 Volume: XLV Issue: 1 Year: 1999 Month: January-June File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Economica/article/view/8894/7730 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:akh:journl:453