Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Enrique Kawamura Author-Workplace-Name: Universidad de San Andres Title: A note on the credibility of Bank-Run-Preventing Devaluation policies Abstract: In this note I provide a notion of a credible devaluation policy in the context of the Chang and Velasco (2000) model. I show that when the long term asset is illiquid enough a flexible exchange rate policy is credible. It is also shown that there exists a non-trivial range for the liquidation value of the long term investment technology for which the same policy is not credible. Finally I propose a different flexible exchange rate regime which is shown to be credible. Classification-JEL: G21, G28 Journal: Económica Pages: 51-67 Volume: XLVIII Issue: 1-2 Year: 2002 Month: January-December File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Economica/article/view/8515/7063 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:akh:journl:527