Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Johanna Alexandra Narváez Jácome Author-Name-First: Johanna Author-Name-Last: Narváez Jácome Title: Evaluación de impacto de la política pública de inclusión a la educación secundaria a los pueblos y nacionalidades étnicas en el Ecuador. Periodo 2004 – 2016 Abstract: Ethnic nationalities of Ecuador, is a group historically discriminated by society, so they have been a cause of exclusion of public and private goods and services, one of them education. Education is consider an important variable for the development and growth of the country, for which the Ecuadorian State has implemented policies focused on the education sector. This paper aims to measure the potential effect of the quota policy on the insertion of afro Ecuadorian, indigenous and montubio peoples into secondary education in public and private institutions, applying the Differences in Differences Methodology, for the period 2004-2016. This thesis makes a contribution in terms of empirical evidence of secondary educational inclusion, whose results show that public policy had a positive and significant impact on the attendance of ethnic minority groups since 2009 in Ecuador, and its effects due to heterogeneities (gender, area, region and age group), strengthening its impact through the LOEI. However, the results suggest the intervention of more focused policies that counteract the negative socioeconomic effects that distinguish ethnic peoples and nationalities and that affect their attendance at secondary education. Length: 27 pages Creation-Date: 2019-06 File-URL:https://cefip.econo.unlp.edu.ar/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/dt_2019_06_05_v01_f01.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Classification-JEL: I21, I28 Handle: RePEc:akh:wcefip:032