Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Horacio L. P. Piffano Author-Name-First: Horacio Author-Name-Last: Piffano Title: ¿Es posible un Acuerdo Fiscal Federal Sustentable sin una Reforma del Sistema Tributario Federal? Abstract: The paper explores the feasibility of a new agreement on the Fiscal and Financial Federal Coordination System in Argentina and seeks to corroborate the hypothesis that this would not be feasible and sustainable in the long run without a Reform of the Federal Tax System, in particular, a reform that involves the removal of tax on exports (Retenciones) of rural sector production. This would enable a greater degree of development of regional economies and a consequent greater sub-national “tax-room” compatible with a genuine federal system of government. Length: 109 pages Creation-Date: 2010-08 File-URL: https://www.depeco.econo.unlp.edu.ar/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/doc78.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Classification-JEL: H2, H7, R5. Keywords: Fiscal Federalism, Tax Power Assignment. Regional Economies. Rural Sector. Tax on Exports. Consolidated Tax Burden. Confiscation. Fiscal and Financial Federal Agreement. Handle: RePEc:akh:wpaper:078