Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Irene Brambilla Author-Name-First: Irene Author-Name-Last: Brambilla Author-Name: Darío Tortarolo Author-Name-First: Darío Author-Name-Last: Tortarolo Title: An Empirical Analysis of Mark-ups in the Argentine Manufacturing Sector Abstract: In this paper, we estimate mark-ups with plant level production data for Argentina from a structural model of cost-minimizing producers, as proposed by De Loecker and Warzynski (2012). We explore systematic differences across industries and plants. Our main findings are that mark-ups are higher in capital-intensive industries, and for plants that are more productive, larger, and more capital-intensive. Our findings are consistent with theories that predict larger mark-ups for more efficient firms and for higher quality products. Length: 28 pages Creation-Date: 2014-05 File-URL: https://www.depeco.econo.unlp.edu.ar/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/doc104.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Classification-JEL: L1, L6. Keywords: Mark-ups, Productivity, Argentina. Handle: RePEc:akh:wpaper:104