Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Marco Antonio Moreira Author-Workplace-Name: Instituto de Física – UFRGS – Porto Alegre. Río Grande del Sur. Brasil. Title: Aprendizaje Significativo: la Visión Clásica, otras Visiones e Interés Abstract: It is already known that several psychological currents have influenced teaching and learning. The purpose of this text is to approach Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory (MLT), making it clear that MLT is a cognitive constructivist learning theory. The underlying hypothesis is that it is not an isolated and outdated theory. Initially, the meaningful learning concept is approached from David Ausubel’s classical view. Then, other authors’ views are presented, trying to show that this concept is compatible with such views. To conclude, the predisposition to learn, one of the primary conditions for the occurrence of meaningful learning, is approached from the perspective of interest, according to John Dewey and other educators, and conclusions are inferred from this. Classification-JEL: I21 Keywords: meaningful learning, cognitive constructivist learning theory, predisposition to learn, interest. Journal: Proyecciones Pages: 22-30 Issue: 14 Number: 4 Year: 2020 Month: January-December DOI:https://doi.org/10.24215/26185474e010 File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/proyecciones/article/view/10481 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:proyec:12