Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Pietro L. Lopes Author-Workplace-Name: Universidade Federal de Canta Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasil. Author-Name: Fabrícia Silva Da Rosa Author-Workplace-Name: Universidade Federal de Canta Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasil. Author-Name: Gabriel D. Costa Author-Workplace-Name: Universidade de Lisboa (U. LISBOA). Lisboa, Portugal. Title: Análisis de la relación entre las características observables de los gerentes públicos de alto nivel y el desempeño organizacional de las empresas públicas europeas Abstract: This research aims to analyze the relationship between the observable characteristics of high-level public managers and the organizational performance of European public companies. Therefore, the investigation refers to the analysis ofthe influences of the characteristics of the managers in the performance of the business. The results and theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions will be through a structured process that is organized in two stages. The first stage covers the structured process to lift the theoretical framework. According to this review, the relevant aspects to carry out the second stage of the investigation (collection and analysis of data on public companies) are identified, so that the research is carried out with the selected public companies and includes the collection on the basis of data. The PLS software is used for data collection, tabulation and data analysis.The PLS software is used for data collection, tabulation and data analysis. The results show that the presence of women in the management team positively influences 21.6% in business performance, confirming the ownership of the aforementioned hypothesis. On the contrary, the results showed that managers' experience is negatively related to the use third-party capital and of short-term, which shows that over time managers tend to be more conservative in their decisions. We can relate that younger managers can positively influence business performance. The research is justified, therefore, the literature has indicated that the way in which organizations act and why they make certain decisions is to know their managers, conduct studies on the theory of the higher level makes it possible to better understand the results presented by the organization and anticipate your next actions. Classification-JEL: M14 Keywords: Capital structure, Public managers, Observable characteristics, Public companies. Journal: Proyecciones Pages: 102-114 Issue: 13 Number: 8 Year: 2019 Month: January-December DOI:https://doi.org/10.24215/26185474e007 File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/proyecciones/article/view/9325 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:proyec:8