Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Iris María Vélez Osorio Author-Workplace-Name: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Title: Las Prácticas de Sostenibilidad en las Empresas Industriales y su Relación con el Desempeño Exportador Abstract: Sustainability practices reflect companies’ concern about their green environment, and, although several years have passed since the first publication of the millennium development goals, many companies are just beginning a long process of implementing sustainability policies. This analysis seeks to establish how sustainability practices positively affect the corporate performance of organizations in the manufacturing sector in Colombia, recognizing, in addition, the important role of exports to mediate this relationship, where sustainability would have a double benefit: external impact and economic benefit for the company. 1570 manufacturing companies with sustainability practices related to reduction of energy consumption, reduction in raw materials and use of waste, located in different industrial subsectors were taken for this study. Finally, the implications for the corporate sustainability policy and the possible effects for the sectors that have difficulties in implementing appropriate sustainability practices are explained Classification-JEL: Q01, Q4, L6, M14 Keywords: energy; exports; manufacturing; sustainability practices; performance; corporate social responsibility. Journal: Ciencias Administrativas Pages: 1-12 Issue: 23 Number: 4 Year: 2024 Month: January- June DOI: 10.24215/23143738e129 File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM/article/view/14165 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:recadm:187