Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Máximo Ortega Galarza Author-Workplace-Name: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador Author-Name: Hólguer Rodrigo Altamirano Pérez Author-Workplace-Name: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador Author-Name: María Eugenia Tovar Pinzón Author-Workplace-Name: Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano, Colombia Title: El desempeño laboral de los servidores públicos de la DIGEIM, un análisis desde el clima organizacional Abstract: The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between organizational climate and work performance of the Directorate General of Maritime Interests of the Navy of Ecuador (DIGEIM)`s employees. On the other hand, the study analyzes three dimensions of the work climate: interpersonal communication, autonomy and work motivation. On the other hand, labor performance is studied under the following dimensions: labor productivity, labor effectiveness and labor efficiency. The methodology was correlational. Primary sources were used through on–site data collection, using the survey done to 64 public servants as an instrument and applying a measurement criterion based on the Likert scales to calculate their agreement or disagreement and to validate it by means of Cronbach’s Alpha. The main result led to establishing the direct relationship between the variables. The SPSS 24 program was used for data processing. Classification-JEL: J29 Keywords: organizational climate; labor performance; public servant Journal: Ciencias Administrativas Pages: 1-15 Issue: 23 Number: 9 Year: 2024 Month: January- June DOI: 10.24215/23143738e131 File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM/article/view/14186 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:recadm:192