Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Roberto Carlos Dalongaro Author-Workplace-Name: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Argentina. Instituto Federal Farroupilha Uruguayana. Brasil. Title: La Satisfaccion del cliente con el Supermercadismo en áreas de frontera Abstract: The supermarkets face difficult situations where they have to grow, expand and stay in the market. In this scenario, the efforts of the various selling strategies can provide effective and efficient differentials, contributing greatly to the survival of organizations. This article aims to identify the consumer profile, analyze consumer relationships with supermarkets and also detecting the level of consumer satisfaction with supermarkets in the city of Paso de los Libres, Argentina border - Brazilian. Out also take an exploratory, qualitative and quantitative study, with 03 supermarkets. The sample population consists of 200 consumers surveyed, with 100 Argentine and 100 Brazilians. It is a random sample, the result of research done in the first half of July 2014 The results are a collection of data and information in the selection of the strategic actions for sale, but also allows a comparison between the two samples. Between Brazil and Argentina, you can compare some seeking to identify some market related and cultural differences, and identify the degree of satisfaction of both nationalities investigated results. Classification-JEL: M31 Keywords: Relations, Satisfaction, Consumer, Supermarkets. Journal: Ciencias Administrativas Pages: 35-50 Issue: 4 Number: 5 Year: 2014 Month: July-December DOI: - File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM/article/view/948 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:recadm:27