Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: María Ayelén Hollmann Author-Workplace-Name: Facultad de Economía y Administración. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Title: Construcción Histórica del actual concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Antecedentes de problemáticas socioeconómicas y ambientales Abstract: This paper is the result of a documentary investigation about the historical construction of the current concept of sustainable development worldwide, mainly in relation to positions of different institutional areas. While the concept became relevant in the international political arena in 1992 with the Earth Summit, this study covers the period from the late nineteenth century with the American Conservation Movement (where it is a first approach to the current concept) and ends with the came into force in January 2016 of Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.It is essential to analyze the growing concern for environmental conservation as well as the debate on sustainability of socioeconomic systems to develop concrete policies and practical in such ways. In this context, this paper sought an investigation of those milestones in one way or another that participated in the construction of what is currently understood by Sustainable Development. While the theoretical construction of the concept represents a long and complex process, selection and literature review sought to identify those more important globally guidelines in the field. Classification-JEL: Q01 Keywords: Sustainable development, Environment, Historical evolution of concepts. Journal: Ciencias Administrativas Pages: 15-28 Issue: 10 Number: 3 Year: 2017 Month: July-December DOI: 10.24215/23143738e008 File-URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM/article/view/2841 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:recadm:68