Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Diego Nicolás Moccero Author-Name-First: Diego Nicolás Author-Name-Last: Moccero Title: Esquemas Cambiarios y Monetarios Alternativos en un Modelo de Interdependencia Macroeconómica entre Argentina y Brasil Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical model of macroeconomic interdependence between Argentina and Brazil in which alternative monetary and exchange rate regimes are represented. Simulation exercises are carried out with the objective of giving some clues for the election of the most appropriate model for Argentina. The election criteria consists of minimizing the real GDP volatility and that of the CPI when shocks are produced. In the first case the favorite models are those of more exchange rate flexibility while in the second case it will be preferable a more rigid set up of exchange rate. If real GDP volatility matters as much as that of the CPI, then Dolarization achieves a good trade-off among both because it maintains stable dollar prices while eliminating a fluctuation source in the interest rate (and by this way in the GDP) like the devaluation risk. That advantage decreases when the importance of the devaluation risk falls against the default risk as a component of the interest rate and as the supply of non-tradables goods becomes more inelastic. Length: 35 Creation-Date: 2001-05 File-URL: https://www.depeco.econo.unlp.edu.ar/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/doc31.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:lap:wpaper:031